
Call for Papers

    The paper submission for ICMPC17-APSCOM7 has been closed. The notification of acceptance will be sent at the beginning of April.
  • Call for Papers: PDF
  • Submission Guidelines: PDF (Update: December 21, 2022)
  • Submission Website: EasyChair (The paper submission deadline has been re-extended to January 27 [23:59 JST].)
    EasyChair Instructions for Authors: PDF (Update: December 2, 2022)

    If you plan to participate online, please take a look at information for online participation before submitting the papers. (Updated on October 31, 2022)

CALL FOR PAPERS: ICMPC17-APSCOM7 (August 24-28, 2023)

(Update: January 19, 2023)

We are delighted to announce the joint conference of ICMPC17-APSCOM7 in Tokyo, Japan (Nihon University). ICMPC17-APSCOM7 is an international conference where interdisciplinary researchers come together to present, discuss and exchange their current work on music perception and cognition. The theme of this conference is LOOP. We wish to share the achievements of the research field and to foster future communications and developments in the community and beyond. The academic program will include keynote lectures, oral/poster presentations, symposia, demonstrations and workshops.

The conference covers a wide range of topics related to music perception and cognition: acoustics and psychoacoustics, aesthetics, application, attention, biology, cognition, cognitive and computational models, composition, cross-cultural studies, cross-modal studies, cross-species studies, development, embodied cognition, emotion, environment, evolution, genetics, harmony, improvisation, individual difference, language and music, learning, memory, movement, musicality, perception, performance, personality, pitch, physiology, probability, prediction, rhythm, singing, technology, therapy, timbre, well-being and health.


The theme LOOP has four messages.

  • Music loops: Loops can be found in almost every step of music perception and cognition: auditory and proprioceptive feedback, performer-audience communication, and musical repetition, to name a few. The conference offers an excellent opportunity to exchange our knowledge of various forms of musical loops!
  • History loops: The first ICMPC was organized in Japan in 1989. In 2023, the conference comes back to Japan on a much larger scale after 34 years. We are excited to celebrate the achievements and growth of the field together.
  • Scientific mission loops: With the rise of new research techniques and technological advancements, we may be about to answer some of the questions that were discussed around the time of the first ICMPC. This conference is a great chance for music researchers to revisit our research mission in light of the past ICMPCs.
  • Loop continues: LOOPs should not be closed. All activities linked to the above LOOPs should continue to evolve like a spiral. We hope that the ICMPC17-APSCOM7 will lay a solid foundation for the next LOOPs.

The conference will have Young Researcher Award and Travel Award.

The conference is hosted by Masanobu Miura at Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo. The Host organization is JSMPC (Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition). For further details, please visit the conference website (
  • ICMPC: International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition
  • APSCOM: The Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music

Abstract & Paper Submission

The scientific program of ICMPC17-APSCOM7 will include spoken presentations, poster presentations, symposia, workshops, and demonstrations. The language of the conference is English: All presentations, events, and publications will be in English.

Important Dates
  • – Symposia, workshop & demonstration proposal submission deadline: December 15, 2022
  • – Paper/poster abstract submission deadline: 23:59 JST, January 27, 2023 (Re-extended) January 15, 2023
  • – Notification for acceptance for all papers, symposia, workshops and demonstrations: Beginning of April, 2023
  • – Full paper submission for the applicants of Young Researcher Award: May 15, 2023
  • – General revised abstract/full paper submission, symposium presentation abstract deadline: June 1, 2023

Submission Guidelines

  • Please note that all abstract submissions are called papers. For organizing symposia, workshops and demonstrations, please refer to the separate guidelines below.

    Authors are invited to submit structured abstracts (with specified headings below) of maximum 400 words. Paper presentations will take two formats:

    • – Spoken presentations
    • – Poster presentations

    You will be able to indicate the preferred presentation format during the submission process. However, we cannot guarantee that all submissions will be accepted in their preferred format. Please anticipate that your paper may be allocated to either of the two formats.

    In all cases, the submission will be peer-reviewed. The authors will indicate whether they intend to present onsite (recommended) or remotely (limited presentation slots).

    After acceptance, all authors will be asked to submit a revised abstract (mandatory). For those who wish to submit a full proceedings paper, there will be an option to upload a camera-ready document. Please use the ICMPC17-APSCOM7 template that will be provided when creating the full paper. Proceedings papers are required to be between four and six pages in length, including citations.

    The online submission page will become available in the middle of November 2022. Further information regarding paper presentations, poster dimensions, deadlines for the proceedings documents, and other requirements will be communicated to authors in their acceptance letters.

    Abstracts Guideline
    • – Submitted paper abstracts must follow the format provided below. Abstracts are limited to 400 words or fewer.
    • – Text belonging to the required formatting (e.g. title, names, affiliations, keywords), bibliographic references, and topic areas are excluded from the final word count.
    • – Authors must choose three topics that they believe best characterize their work. These tags will be used in allocating peer reviewers.

    • Formats for Empirical Research
      • Title
      • Author names and affiliations
      • 1. Background
      • 2. Aims
      • 3. Method
      • 4. Results
      • 5. Conclusions
      • 6. Keywords (up to 5)
      • 7. Topic areas (choose three from the suggested topics below)

      Formats for Theoretical Research/Review
      • Title
      • Author names and their affiliations
      • 1. Background
      • 2. Aims
      • 3. Main Contribution
      • 4. Implications
      • 5. Keywords (up to 5)
      • 6. Topic areas (choose three from the suggested topics below)

    Topic areas

    acoustics and psychoacoustics, aesthetics, application, attention, biology, cognition, cognitive and computational models, composition, cross-cultural studies, cross-modal studies, cross-species studies, development, embodied cognition, emotion, environment, evolution, genetics, harmony, improvisation, individual difference, language and music, learning, memory, movement, musicality, perception, performance, personality, pitch, physiology, probability, prediction, rhythm, singing, technology, therapy, timbre, well-being and health

    When submitting your paper, you will be asked the following information:

    • – Preferred format of presentation (spoken presentation / poster presentation)
    • – Intended mode of attendance (onsite / online)
    • – Eligibility for any awards: (Young Researcher Award/ Travel Award)

  • Symposia consist of planned, multiple spoken papers that are related to a specific topic. We expect the proposed symposia to make a distinctive and unique contribution to the conference. The standard time allocated for symposia is 60-90 minutes, allowing the conveners to typically include 3-4 spoken papers and a discussion.

    Please ensure that the majority (e.g., more than half) of the presenters involved in the symposium (especially at least one of the organizers) are physically present at the conference venue.

    Proposed symposia require both conveners (individuals involved in proposing and consequently organizing the symposia) and presenters (individuals presenting, but not necessarily leading on the organization of the symposia). Both conveners and presenters need to take actions at different points in time.

    Symposium conveners must provide the following information by December 15, 2022. The submitted proposal will be reviewed by the program committee. Once the proposed symposium is accepted, all planned spoken presentations will be accepted.

    • – Submitted symposia proposal must follow the format provided below. Abstracts are limited to 400 words or fewer (total words for items 1-3 in the format).
    • – Text belonging to the required formatting (e.g. title, names, affiliations, keywords) and bibliographic references are excluded from the final word count.
    • – When submitting the proposal on EasyChair, all contributors (convener(s), presenters, and discussants) should be registered as authors. The convener’s name should be indicated by clicking the corresponding author check box. Although EasyChair’s author fields do not allow registration of separate roles such as chairs, presenters, and discussants on author information fields, it is possible to define these in the proposal (item 2 in the format below).

    • Title
    • Convener(s) and their affiliations
    • 1. Background and Aims
    • 2. A list of people involved in the symposium and their expected contributions, roles and their intended attendance mode (onsite/online).
      • – Convener(s): the organizer of the symposium, conveners can also be presenters
      • – Presenters: individual researchers who will give spoken paper presentations
      • – Discussants (optional): individual researchers who will contribute to the discussion
      • (Example list of contributors)
      • – Name, convener & presenter, onsite
      • – Name, presenter, onsite
      • – Name, discussant, onsite
    • 3. Relevance for the conference
    • 4. Keywords (up to 5)

    All planned presenters (not discussants) should submit their abstracts of maximum 300 words. The deadline for submission is June 1, 2023.

    • – Submitted symposium abstracts must follow the format provided below.
    • – Text belonging to the required formatting (e.g. title, names, affiliations, keywords) and bibliographic references are excluded from the final word count.

    • Title
    • Presenter’s name and affiliation(s)
    • Abstract text (of maximum 300 words)

Workshops and Demonstrations
  • Workshops and demonstrations create an opportunity to share and exchange information about common problems, solutions, and newly developed technology. Typically workshops include short presentation(s) followed by hands-on activities and discussions. Demonstrations can take a similar format as workshops, but hands-on activities can be omitted, and the proposed session can focus more on showcasing new methods, prototypes, and products. The standard time allocated for workshops and demonstrations is 60-90 minutes.

    Please ensure that the majority (at least more than half) of the people involved in the workshop or demonstration (especially at least one of the organizers) are physically present at the conference venue.

    The organizer should submit the following information:

    • – Submitted paper abstracts must follow the format provided below. Abstracts are limited to 400 words or fewer (total words for items 1-4 in the format).
    • – Text belonging to the required formatting (e.g. title, names, affiliations, keywords) and bibliographic references are excluded from the final word count.
    • – When submitting the proposal on EasyChair, all contributors (convener(s), presenters, and discussants) should be registered as authors. The convener’s name should be indicated by clicking the corresponding author check box. Although EasyChair’s author fields do not allow registration of separate roles such as chairs, presenters, and discussants on author information fields, it is possible to define these in the proposal (item 2 in the format below).

    • Title
    • Organizer(s) and their affiliations, their intended attendance mode (onsite/online)
    • 1. Background and Aims
    • 2. A description of workshop/demonstration activities
    • 3. Relevance for the conference
    • 4. A tentative planning of 60-90 minutes session
    • 5. Keywords (up to 5)


Attendees of ICMPC17-APSCOM7 may elect to nominate themselves for two possible awards. Eligibility for both awards is described below. Attendees may apply for both awards, if they are eligible.

  • Young Researcher Award: This award is granted to those who submit a high-quality full paper for ICMPC17-APSCOM7. Applicants should be either a student (full-time or part-time) or a researcher who has completed their highest academic degree after January 1, 2019. Applicants must notify the program committee about their application for this award when submitting the abstract. All applicants will be invited to fill out a separate application form after the paper submission deadline. Upon notice of acceptance (beginning of April 2023), we request applicants to submit a full paper (4-6 pages) by May 15, 2023. A template for the full-paper will be available in mid-January 2023.

    Applications without full-paper submission will not be considered for the award. The award selection panel will select up to three researchers who demonstrate their outstanding potential to lead the research field of Music Perception and Cognition. The applicant must be the first author of the submission.

  • Travel Award: This award will offer extra support for attending ICMPC17-APSCOM7. The program committee will consider applications based on a combination of scientific merit, place of residence, and other personal circumstances of applicants (which can be described in the application form). Applicants must notify the program committee about their application when submitting their papers or other proposals. All applicants will be invited to fill out a separate application form after the paper submission deadline.