Instructions to submit your conference materials

Instructions to submit your conference materials

The submission deadline of structured abstract or full paper has been extended to June 15. This deadline is applicable globally across all time zones, thereby allowing submissions until the end of the day on June 15, regardless of your geographical location.


Submission of structured abstract or full paper: Easychair/ Instruction PDF/ Templates 

Paper presentations

June 15 (May 15)

Please submit your structured abstract (up to 1 page) or complete full paper (4-6 pages) by June 1st, 2023, via the EasyChair submission page. For those invited to submit for the Young Researcher Award, please ensure that your paper is submitted by May 15th. The templates for each submission type will be downloadable from the conference website (

August 10

Poster image: If you have been assigned to present in poster mode, we kindly request that you upload a PDF image of your poster for the conference.
Highlight movie: Please submit a video presentation, no longer than 4 minutes, highlighting your research findings. While not obligatory, it is strongly advised for all presenters to submit this highlight video presentation, as the conference will be held in Japan Standard Time, and there will be online participants from across the globe. This will ensure greater accessibility and engagement for all attendees, regardless of their time zones.
Full presentation movie: A 15-minute presentation video is mandatory for all online poster presentations. For those giving spoken presentations and onsite poster presentations, this is an optional submission.

Note: The video format required is MPEG-4, with the file extension “.mp4”. The video presentations will be available for streaming, but they will not be available for download, ensuring the content remains accessible while protecting the intellectual property of the presenters. All video content will be hosted on the conference site for the duration of the event and will be removed at a later date following the conclusion of the conference.


June 15 (May 15)

Please submit your symposium paper by June 1st, 2023, via the EasyChair submission page. For those invited to submit for the Young Researcher Award, please ensure that your paper is submitted by May 15th. The templates for each is downloadable from the conference website (

August 10

Highlight movie: Please submit a video presentation highlighting your research findings. You can upload individual movies for each contribution talk. Please ensure that each movie is no longer than 4 minutes. You can upload a maximum number of movies equivalent to the talks included in the symposium program. While not obligatory, it is strongly advised to submit this highlight video presentation, as the conference will be held in Japan Standard Time, and there will be online participants from across the globe. This will ensure greater accessibility and engagement for all attendees, regardless of their time zones.
Full presentation movie: Please note that it is not possible to upload a full presentation movie for symposia.

Note: The video format required is MPEG-4, with the file extension “.mp4”. The video presentations will be available for streaming, but they will not be available for download, ensuring the content remains accessible while protecting the intellectual property of the presenters. All video content will be hosted on the conference site for the duration of the event and will be removed at a later date following the conclusion of the conference.