Presenters and Session Chairs

For each session, we asked the chair to collect signatures of presenters. Information here is based on those signatures.

Each table represents a session. Cells in the top row show the slot in the timetable (e.g., 3PM1 meaning gDay 3, the first session in PMh) and the session title. The second row indicates the name of the session chair. The circle on the right side indicates that the chair provided his/her signature.

The first left column indicates the presentation number in the corresponding session. The second left column indicates the name(s) of the author(s) and the title of the paper, as appearing in the Program. A blank cell with a diagonal line represents that the presentation originally assigned was cancelled prior to the conference. The cell with the full information with a diagonal line shows that the presentation was cancelled right before or during the conference.

The next column indicates the name of the actual presenter. The circle in the right end column indicates that the presenter actually provided his/her signature. Cells highlighted in yellow indicate that no signature was given during the conference.

General Sessions
Keynote Speech   /   Young Researcher Award Session
Individual Sessions
Demonstrations   /   Oral Sessions   /   Poster Sessions